Beth C. Kincaid, MEd, NCC, LCMHC was born in Philadelphia, PA, lived in San Francisco, CA. for a few years then grew up in New Orleans, La. She moved to Greensboro, NC in 1977 to go to college and has remained here ever since. She received her Bachelor of Sciences degree in Psychology and Sociology from Guilford College in 1981 and her Masters of Education in Guidance and Counseling from UNC at Greensboro in 1984. She is both a National Certified Counselor and a North Carolina Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor. She served as a case manager, supervisor and counselor for the Guilford County Willie M. Program for ten years, and as a part-time counselor at other local agencies, such as Youth Focus, Summit House, and Guilford College for a number of years. Beth has conducted workshops for Cigna and other organizations on numerous topics, including stress management, assertiveness, and smoking cessation to name a few. Ms. Kincaid was in private practice as a psychotherapist with The Center For Psychotherapy & Life Skills Development, PA from 1986 to September of 2017 at which point she opened her own practice in The Guilford Building, a historic and unique building in ever-changing and growing downtown Greensboro.